domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

Ceremonials by Arthur Rackham

I've found out an artist from the Victorian age called Arthur Rackham. I just loved his Art and I thought that they resembled me a lot the whole Ceremonials idea, so I've chosen twelve images by Arthur to fit the twelve tracks by Florence!

Recentemente eu descobri um artista chamado Arthur Rackham, da Era Vitorian. Eu amei o trabalho dele e as obras dele me lembram o espírito do Ceremonials, então eu escolhi doze imagens de Arthur para cada uma das doze faixas de Florence + the Machine.

1 - Only If For A Night

That ghost should be so practical....

2 - Shake It Out

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off

3-What the Water Gave Me
'Cause she's a cruel mistress and the bargain must be made...

4-Never Let Me Go
And the arms of the ocean, delivered me...

5-Breaking Down
I think I'm breaking down again...

6- Lover to Lover
There's no salvation for me now...

7-No Light, No Light
And I'd do anything to make you stay...

8-Seven Devils
Seven devils are around me...

Just keep following the heartlines on your hand...

We are shinnig and we'll never be afraid again...

11-All this and Heaven too
And I'd put it back in poetry, If I only knew how...

12-Leave My Body...
And I'm going to leave my body... I'm going to loosed my mind...

Um comentário:

  1. Que coisa linda! Realmente, combinou perfeitamente com as músicas, fantástico.
